
I'm sillyporean now !

I'm back after veryy longg time. I just checked my profile and I'm so surprised. I'm wrote that I love my boyfriend, wellll actually I dont have boyfriend for two years. So, its mean that I'm not open this blog for more than 2 years. Fiuh is quite long right?

Well, now I'm in Singapore, I'm decided to take university in here studied accounting. buttttt, my English still not good, and I start talking in singlish. Hahahhaa. I got many problem while I try to adjust with my new life in here. I started to find new friends, and sometimes found a jerk that really make me feeling so bad. I hope that I can find a lot of friends in here.

Now, I feel so bad and I cannot find place to share, so I decide to open this my old blog to share everything. I feel alone and reckless. I feel that i must face many problems in here, too many emotions now and i hope it will going to be okay soon.


#about BB

These are some of my thinking about BB (Blackberry)

"I think BB became a new best friend for everyone"

"I think this f***ing machine make someone became so far with the others"

I hate when BB is so valuable to some people and forget about the people closest"

"I hate when my friends or my boyfriend more interested with their BB than listening to my story"

"I'm confused when someone looks so happy when they got BBM"

"I'm confused why they look so sad when their BB damaged"

yes, it's like some people say that the BB makes close which far and makes far which close



MALAKA, mungkin sebagian besar orang cuma ngerti malaka ada sebuah kota yang ada dalam buku-buku sejarah, dimana menjadi satu pusat perdagangan rempah-rempah, dan Malaka di kuasi oleh bangsa Portugis.

the fact is : Malaka is the wonderful city.
Kota tua yang punya banyak bangunan sejarah tapi juga gak kalah modern. (Mall nya aja punya banyak toko branded) and you can do many things activties at Malaka.
Kalian bisa naik perahu dan keliling kota Malaka, and its a great.
or you can visit many museum. kalian juga bisa naik bianglala yg bisa ngelihat satu koa malaka.

banyak keunikan yg bisa ditemui dr Malaka. such as;
tembok rumah di Malaka, di gambar-gambar in.
Becak disana, harus dihias semarik mungkin supaya banyak pelanggan.
Banyak biawak dilepas di sungai Malaka, and you can see it.
and more..
so you want visit Malaka??


acha septriasa feat irwansyah - ada cinta

ucapkanlah kasih satu kata yg ku nantikan
sebab ku tak mampu membaca matamu
mendengar bisikmu

nyanyikanlah kasih senandung kata hatimu
sebab ku tak sanggup mengartikan getar ini
sebab ku meragu pada dirimu

mengapa berat ungkapkan cinta
padahal ia ada
dalam rinai hujan
dalam terang bulan
juga dalam sedu sedan

mengapa sulit mengaku cinta
padahal ia terasa
dalam rindu dendam
hening malam
cinta terasa ada

nyanyikanlah kasih senandung kata hatimu
sebab ku tak sanggup mengartikan getar ini
sebab ku meragu pada dirimu



sorry guys, i just could to blogging..
i'm was recently very busy..
these are some activities or events that i do lately:

1. preparing MOS
yeayy, before holidays we must completed everything about MOS such as ; costume, anthem, punishment for new student, rules for us or new student, and more..
its make me, and the others so dizzy.
2.selling food at MTD
I helped my friends for selling some food at malang tempo doloe (MTD) its so very fun.
i was shouting like crazy people, offering food. and the others too.
I'm selling starts at 5 pm until 10 pm and it was very tiring.
3. preparing for final exams
my final exams will be on 29th may - 05th june.
and i must study hard for the final exams
because its my last hope, if i want go to next class.
i wish this would be successful

wish me luck :)


great escape

can imagine?? this is the best friday of the month or maybe of the year. hahahha
3 kelas unggulan di sekolah gw escape semua
dan ikut serta tiga ketua osis, plus anak buah nya dari sekbid 1-8 (including me)
escape masal, yang ga janjian tapi bisa kumpul di satu tempat,
sampe ketahuan polisi. dan dilaporin ke sekolah an.

finally kita pulang konfoi bareng, sambil nyanyi mars dempo.
dan sampai di sekolah di semprot guru kesiswaan.
besok masa hukuman, dan anak osis bakal pake rompi kebanggaan
(rompi warna ijo, kayak jukir nertuliskan "saya akan disiplin")
hari ini gw bener-bener ngerasa jadi anak SMA.
jadi angkatan osis paling gila
jadi anak sosial paling seruu
dan jadi murid DEMPO!
and this is unforgetable moment in my life..


afghan - bawalah cintaku

sumpah tak ada lagi kesempatan
ku untuk bisa bersamamu
kini ku tahu
bagaimana cara ku untuk dapat terus denganmu

Bawalah pergi cintaku
ajak kemanapun kau mau
jadikan temanmu
temanmu paling kau cinta

Disini ku pun begitu
terus cintaimu di hidupku
di dalam hatiku sampai waktu
yang pertemukan kita nanti