sorry guys, i just could to blogging..
i'm was recently very busy..
these are some activities or events that i do lately:
1. preparing MOS
yeayy, before holidays we must completed everything about MOS such as ; costume, anthem, punishment for new student, rules for us or new student, and more..
its make me, and the others so dizzy.
2.selling food at MTD
I helped my friends for selling some food at malang tempo doloe (MTD) its so very fun.
i was shouting like crazy people, offering food. and the others too.
I'm selling starts at 5 pm until 10 pm and it was very tiring.
3. preparing for final exams
my final exams will be on 29th may - 05th june.
and i must study hard for the final exams
because its my last hope, if i want go to next class.
i wish this would be successful
wish me luck :)
Martin Luther King Jr. Drama Script
14 years ago
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